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Martin L Weiss, Fort Lee, NJ

I am 82 years old, and because of untreated amblyopia of the left eye at birth, had moderately effective vision only in my right eye and virtually none in the left. Four years ago, because of diminishing vision in the ‘good’ right eye, I consulted an opthalmologist. After his examination revealed ‘nothing of significance’, he referred me to a ‘ retina specialist’, who likewise found ‘nothing of significance’ to explain my vision problems. Alarmed by the symptoms, my personal physician ordered a brain scan, which, fortunately, also found no explanation for my diminishing vision. Five months later, when my eroding vision had begun to make driving somewhat dangerous, I returned to the opthalmologist, who, after another, and longer exam, again found nothing, other than “very minor early cataracts-which would not warrant surgical intervention”

It was at this point that I consulted. Dr. MacKay, who, after taking a detailed history from me, undertook the most thorough and painstaking eye examination I have ever experienced. Midway through the exam, Dr. MacKay broke off and said, “Martin, I have wonderful news for you. You have cataracts…full blown cataracts.” The cataracts were apparently of a kind that could be seen only if the light hit them at the proper angle, which Dr. Mackay had already suspected based on my history, and was thus, actually looking for them.

The result: She referred me to the surgeon who successfully performed the operation. Vision in my right eye is now virtually perfect, without corrective lenses. I can read the NY Times, without glasses. Color is back in my life and I had not even known of its loss. Dr. MacKay is a credit to her profesion, a fine person, and I shall forever be in her debt.

Martin L Weiss, Fort Lee, NJ